Transformation, it's like a change, from time to time.
Now, I will tell my little experience about transformation.
Recently, I going to the village, and I alredy know the transformation from the (1) forest, and there are no some transpotation in that forest, but in picture number two (2) there is some train trough in this forest, so some people know this place and they make a little village (3). In picture number four (4) they are make a many tree gone, for the house. In picture number five (5), there is some tree gone again, to improve this village, and in picture number six (6) that is many tree gone again, to make the many house, and modern village, cart, and etc. And in picture number seven until nine (7)(8)(9) that is an asphlant road, and modern facility to make it different for time to time. And then, there are a many car and many modern facility(10)(11) in picture number ten and eleven. And finally, in picture number twelve (12) there is many congestion in this picture. So from begin it just a forest, until a big city, it's so fast.
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